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Cadair Idris

Celebrating National Parks Week

This week, we celebrate...

February Half Term

Rain, Rain, Don’t Go Away - Stay & Play Another Day

Adorn your raincoat, your wellie bobs and splash in those puddles with a refreshing walk along the stunning Mawddach estuary. 

Springs Lambs

Spring Has Sprung

Enjoy the breath-taking scenery as you travel to the Trefeddian for your well-deserved spring break. The daffodils are in full bloom and litter the verges like rays of sunlight, with lambs bouncing gleefully in the fields. 

st davids day

Celebrating All Things Welsh

It’s the time of year when we celebrate all things Welsh and there’s certainly a lot to rejoice! We have a pretty amazing flag with a big red dragon on it. The humble daffodil is our national flower. And then we have simple traditions, such as the giving of love spoons, and most importantly, singing hymns and arias whilst watching the rugby.  

Shrove Tuesday

Have A Flippin' Lovely Day

February means pancakes! It's a month that signifies winter coming to an end as the skies become clearer, warmer weather appears and buds show on trees. 

It’s a time of quiet reflection and future planning, and there’s no better place to ponder than in the tranquillity of Aberdyfi and the relaxing atmosphere of the Trefeddian. 

February Half Term

Things To Do This Half Term

February can bring winter sunshine and frosty bright days, or cold blustery showers where you need to wrap up warm. Whatever the weather, we hope this will give you some ideas to fill your day and create happy half-term memories for all ages.


Trefeddian Hotel

Happy New Year!

We're all very excited about the forthcoming season and the new year ahead.


January Stays

Escape the post-Christmas blues with a stay at the Trefeddian this January. Find out why this is a great time of year to visit us.

Aberdyfi Beach Sunset

Reflecting On Our Year

It seems like only yesterday that we finished our annual winter renovations and opened our doors, the hotel and staff refreshed and ready to welcome you all, full of anticipation for a fun-filled year.  And it has not disappointed.

Santa Special at Talyllyn Railway

What's On This Winter

Find out what's on when you visit us this winter.